DProj To Windows Setup

To easily generate a Windows installer for your Delphi projects based on their deployment options.

Status: Available
20.00 €
Excluding Tax. VAT: 4.00 €


DProj to Windows Setup is an installer generator for Delphi developers.

The program uses the RELEASE deployment information from your Delphi projects to generate an Inno Setup script and compile it for 32 and/or 64-bit Windows platforms. 

If you have a valid Code Signing Certificate (CSC), the program can sign your Delphi executable and, of course, the final installation program generated.

To generate the final installation program, you need to install JR Software's Inno Setup on your computer.

To sign executables, you need to have Microsoft's Windows Developer SDK (SignTool.exe) and Exe Bulk Signing installed on your computer or a computer accessible via an IP address (local network or Internet, although this is not recommended for security reasons).

Technical Data

For Windows
Supported versions 10 and later
Supported architectures x86, x64 et ARM
Delphi versions 10.3 and later
Exe Bulk Signing versions 1.3 and later
Inno Setup versions 6 and later
Further informations
Website Open

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