Promo Verif

To check that the promotions and discounts advertised by retailers are real, before you are taken in by buying at any price.

Status: Available
4.00 €
Excluding Tax. VAT: 0.80 €


You'll be more likely to use the mobile version for Android and iPhone than the Windows or Mac version of this program, but after all, misleading promotions also exist on the websites of sellers of everyday products (and others).

Promo Vérif is a calculator dedicated to checking overly tempting offers from certain retailers.

You can check the real price per kilo or liter and compare it with other packaging found on the shelf for the same product.

You can also find out the true unit price of cashback or discount packs.

Your calculations are saved, so you can come back to them and make your comparisons with complete peace of mind, without rushing into an offer you don't really need that's also more expensive than the usual price.

Unlike other mobile applications or price comparison software, Promo Vérif is not dependent on the Internet and doesn't compare anything. You do!

Once installed on your device, this software is autonomous and stores your calculations only on your computer. No information leaves or comes from outside.

Technical Data

For Windows
Supported versions 10 and later
Supported architectures x86, x64 et ARM
For macOS
Supported versions Monterey and later
Supported architectures x64 Intel and Apple Silicon
Further informations
Website Open

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