Exe Bulk Signing

To sign your Windows programs locally or remotely using a Code Signing Certificate (CSC) and Microsoft SignTool.

Status: Available
20.00 €
Excluding Tax. VAT: 4.00 €


On Windows as on Mac, iOS and Android, software distribution now requires programs to be signed with certificates recognized by Microsoft. Without these, users end up with a bunch of alerts to pass on first run, or can't even launch downloaded programs.

To avoid this, you need a Code Signing Certificate (CSC), which you can obtain from a certification authority recognized by Windows. Once you've done this, all that's left to do is sign your programs and their installers.

Most professional development tools offer options for signing projects directly when compiling them, but not all do. And in some cases, the options offered may not suit your needs. So you'll have to do it by hand, using SignTool.exe on the command line.

Exe Bulk Signing simplifies the process.

Specify the parameters to be passed on to Microsoft's SignTool utility and launch the signing of all executables (EXE and MSIX files) present in a folder or tree structure with a single click!

The program also offers a client-server mode.

If you have several developers and a common signature certificate on a physical token, connect it to a computer that will act as a signature server. In this case, install Exe Bulk Signing on the development workstation(s) and on the computer to be used for signing.

On the development workstations, enter the server IP and do what you would have done locally (choose folder, enter signature info), then run the program. Exe Bulk Signing will send the files to be signed with the correct parameters to the server, which will process them one by one.

If you need to enter a PIN or password to access the token storing your certificate, this must be done on the computer acting as server.

Technical Data

For Windows
Supported versions 10 and later
Supported architectures x86, x64 et ARM
Further informations
Website Open